Stable and Strong - This manufacturer has a long history back to 1955 in Japan. Nowadays, they work in 70 international markets across 35 countries. They have saved the biggest market for last, as they expand into the United States.
Innovative and Cutting-Edge - When Peekadern released its latest product, Celsior, it changed how every window manufacturer designed their windows. We have set an entirely new bar for residential windows.
Powerful Team - Although the team is small, every associate is a window expert from top to bottom. With the way we focus on quality execution, we can't allow our product to fall to the wayside. Our customers know that our team will always be a trusted source for high-end design.
Organized and Attentive - We have no long lead times, quick shipping, and nearly no callbacks. We are very successful at making sure the customer is getting what they expect. You don't have to apologize for good performance!
Product Fanbase - Architects and designers absolutely love our products. Celsior has been featured on the front cover of Door and Window Magazine and has won a Green Energy award for its capabilities.